Thank you for giving me the chance to have a mammogram done. – Conchita C.

Words cannot express my appreciation!! -Beth Finamore-Neff

Early detection programs has played a big role – KARM

UCSF has shaped the human service foundational experience – Ms. Jacqueline G. McRae-Mitchell

We are so appreciative of Mercedes and all her staff and helpers. – Mayor Dale Perdue and Staff

(855) 622-6237

About Mammograms

What is a Mammogram and Why is it Important?

mammogram is a special type of breast x-ray that allows medical professionals to look for changes in breast tissue. Mammograms detect early signs of breast cancer. Regular mammograms are the best way to detect breast cancer. Sometimes mammograms can detect breast cancer three years before it’s felt.

General Questions

What does having a mammogram feel like?

Having a mammogram is uncomfortable for most women. Some women find it painful. A mammogram takes only a few moments, though, and the discomfort is over soon. What you feel depends on the skill of the technologist, the size of your breasts, and how much they need to be pressed. Your breasts may be more sensitive if you are about to get or have your period. A doctor with special training, called a radiologist, will read the mammogram. He or she will look at the X-ray for early signs of breast cancer or other problems.

Hate Mammograms? Read this:

When will I get the results of my mammogram?
You will usually get the results within a few weeks, although it depends on the facility. A radiologist reads your mammogram and then reports the results to you or your doctor. If there is a concern, you will hear from the mammography facility earlier. Contact your health care provider or the mammography facility if you do not receive a report of your results within 30 days.
What happens if my mammogram is normal?
Continue to get mammograms according to recommended time intervals. Mammograms work best when they can be compared with previous ones. This allows the radiologist to compare them to look for changes in your breasts.
What happens if my mammogram is abnormal?

An abnormal mammogram does not always mean that there is cancer. But you will need to have additional mammograms, tests, or exams before the doctor can tell for sure. You may also be referred to a breast specialist or a surgeon. It does not necessarily mean you have cancer or need surgery. These doctors are experts in diagnosing breast problems. Doctors will do follow-up tests to diagnose breast cancer or to find that there is no cancer.

Click this link to Understanding your Mammogram Report

Do men get breast cancer?

Yes. Men can develop breast cancer, because they have breast tissue.  According to American Cancer Society, about  2,710 men are expected to be diagnosed with breast cancer in 2022. For men, the lifetime risk of being diagnosed with breast cancer is about 1 in 833.

Where can I get a mammogram
For Residents of Knoxville, TN we work closely wth the Universtity of Tennessee Cancer Institue. They can be reached at 865-305-6055. The facility is located at: Medical Building F, 1926 Alcoa Hwy, Knoxville, TN 37920

For all other visitors, check your local area. Our Mammogram Screening will work for most medical providers.

What Does It Mean to Have Dense Breasts?

A mammogram shows how dense your breasts are. When you get the results of your mammogram, you may also be told if your breasts have low or high density. Women with dense breasts have a higher risk of getting breast cancer.

What Are the Parts of the Breast?

A woman’s breast has three kinds of tissue—

  • Fibrous tissue holds the breast tissue in place.
  • Glandular tissue is the part of the breast that makes milk, called the lobes. The tubes that carry milk to the nipple are called ducts.Together, fibrous and glandular tissue are called fibroglandular tissue.
  • Fatty tissuefills the space between the fibrous tissue, lobes, and ducts. It gives the breasts their size and shape.

 When you get the results of your mammogram, you may also be told if your breasts have low or high density. Dr. Temeika Fairley explains

What that means and why it’s important in this video.

What is a Gail Score?

You may receive a letter letting you know that a risk assessment was done for you. This assessment is based on your family and personal history. You may be at higher risk for breast cancer. This score is called a Gail score.

Want more information click here:

Why Do I Need A Mammogram?

A mammogram is an X-ray examination of the breast. It is used to detect and diagnose breast disease in women who either have breast problems such as a lump, pain, or nipple discharge, as well as for women who have no breast complaints.

A mammogram is currently the most effective method of detecting breast cancer in its earliest, most treatable stages. It is a safe, low-dose X-ray examination of the breast.

How Do You Lower the Risk of Breast Cancer?

Everyone wants to know what they can do to lower their risk of breast cancer. Some of the factors associated with breast cancer — being a woman, your age, and your genetics, for example — can’t be changed. Other factors — being overweight, lack of exercise, smoking cigarettes, and eating unhealthy food — can be changed by making choices. By choosing the healthiest lifestyle options possible, you can empower yourself and make sure your breast cancer risk is as low as possible. Click on this link: Breast Cancer Risk Factors  to see all the risk factors

Free Screenings

Don’t Wait

The American Breast Cancer Support Association provides free mammograms to at risk, low income, uninsured and under-insured populations.  This program is not available in the following states: Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Iowa, Oregon and Utah.


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